Thursday, 3 July 2008

Are links important? A review of Peter Lee's Blog

One of the most enjoyable parts about having a Home Based Internet business, is that you get to meet people around the world, and now and then you get to meet some really experienced Internet Marketers.

I have recently written a few articles on link building and how crucial links are to your websites success, then I cam across Peter Lee and his fascinating blog

Peter Lee’s Internet Home Business website has hundreds of very useful home based business ideas and tips to help you start your own online business, or perhaps to enhance your own home based business.

One area which he is extremely experienced about, as well as having extensive knowledge in, is the promotion of websites through building high quality backlinks. The aim of his Search Engine Otimization strategy is to boost your website’s ranking and popularity with Search Engines.

The daft thing is that people spend a fortune and many hours trying to obtain links, whether they are 1 way links, 3 way links or reciprocal links.

But there are simple ways to achieve a highly successful link campaign for FREE, just be following one of Peters strategies.

He has now developed a strategy whereby he is offering webmasters the chance to link to his PR3 blog if you Review His Blog.

His blog contains a wealth of ideas which will be of benefit to anyone looking to increase the amount of traffic to their own websites, no matter what niche they are in, especially people looking for interesting blogging techniques.

Please go and read what Peter has to say about a great way to promote your home internet business by the strategic use of anchor tags and back-linking

If you want to read my other articles on how to implement a link campaign or want to find out more about how links can help make your website more succesful, then read these,




And dont forget if you are looking for a GREAT FREE program to help you build your links then get Link-Machine Today.

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