The best way to make money online, is to create your own product to sell. Of course, it helps if that product is something needed, and if your niche is willing to shell out money for it. There are 3 important factors to look at when creating a product. Let’s take a look at how you can come up with your own wildly profitable product to sell online.
Factor 1
The biggest mistake most product creators make is creating a product first and attempting to find an audience second. You should actually go about this in reverse. Find a market, with an audience of thousands of people who want something, and then create a product to fit their needs. This is a simple tip, but the most important one as far as having a product that is profitable.
Factor 2
Try to find not only a market that wants something, but a market that wants it desperately! Information products do especially well on this point, and many of the most successful products are merely those that were marketed correctly to a desperate audience.
Teens and adults who suffer from excessive acne are desperate to learn about what lifestyle changes or miracle cures are available to clear up their skin. Someone worried about a pregnancy, a wedding, or a divorce would be desperate to get quick access to answers to the questions they have. Pick a desperate audience and supply them with the answers they want, and your product will be a winner!
Factor 3
Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone. Maybe you found a market for some information that is simply not within your knowledge zone. Spend a couple of days researching that topic, via Google, online forums, professional help articles, and through any other means at your disposal.
What you will find is that in most cases, you can gather the data you need from many different sources and then piece it together into one cohesive product fairly easily.
Now that you have some sound information on how to create your product, you need to know the best way to market your product. The only way to achieve the desired results is to get Cheat-Marketing, now you will have a product which you can market successfully.
So keep in mind, the most important part of product creation is to discover a product that needs to be created! Find a market that is looking for something, and fulfill that need. Then begin your online marketing efforts, and watch the cash flow in! I wish you luck in your endeavours.
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Thursday, 31 January 2008
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Write Articles to promote your Squidoo Lens
Writing articles to promote your Squidoo Lens and to make money online is one the hottest topics on the Internet. Articles are a great way to get free traffic to your Lens
Lots of people feel intimidated about writing their first article, but I will show you some easy ways to write quality articles.
First of all what are good articles – that is any article that can accomplish the following
1.Generate free traffic to your Squidoo lens
2.Send traffic to a web site that you are promoting as an affiliate, (via your link)
3.Provide quality content for a blog or lens
4. You can combine several articles to make small reports or your own e-books
People use the Internet to gather information, to solve a problem, they want to learn something quickly, that is why your articles must be brief and to the point.
The quickest way to write article.
With all the tip websites, and online forums, there is no need to come with all the content off the top of your head.
However – never take another persons word or article, do not even copy a sentence, that is illegal
Learn for their content, find similar content, until you have a good understanding of the topic, then write the article in your own words based on what you have read and learned from all the articles that you have gathered from the Internet.
Where to find good Information.
If you want to write an article on “how to loose weight - for teenager’s”, search Google or any one of the major search engines for “weight loose forums” how to “diet” or something similar, have a look for forums and discussion boards for the same topic.
Now all you have to do is read the posts and the various responses and use this information to write your article.
If you find a great information product on clickbank, or any of the other affiliate programs that is the same as your article, you can promote that product at the same time. So now not only are you are writing a great article to promote your Squidoo Lens but you also are getting money from your article when people click on your affiliate click.
Another place to gather information is at the “Frequently Asked Questions” at and
Remember to keep your article short, to the point and with loads of helpful tips and good advice.
How to Write your article title.
Your title is one of the most important parts to your whole article, this is what gets peoples attention, whether they decide to read your article or to pass it by.
Your title must convey exactly what you are offering in your article, think of the following titles,
“help your teenage children with their weight” or “diet programs for teenagers”, these are kind of boring and do not really stand out.
“7 steps to an active & energetic teenager” – this title is much better.
After you have written your article and you want to improve on the title, submit your article to a few directories with various titles, wait for a week or longer and see which title get the most visitors. Now all you must do is, add some long-tailed keywords that you know people are searching for, and you will get a good steady stream of people visiting your Squidoo Lens.
If you want to learn more about how to write articles to promote your Squidoo lens, then get Article Writing Secrets, you will soon be churning out quality articles and getting a steady stream of traffic to your lens.
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Lots of people feel intimidated about writing their first article, but I will show you some easy ways to write quality articles.
First of all what are good articles – that is any article that can accomplish the following
1.Generate free traffic to your Squidoo lens
2.Send traffic to a web site that you are promoting as an affiliate, (via your link)
3.Provide quality content for a blog or lens
4. You can combine several articles to make small reports or your own e-books
People use the Internet to gather information, to solve a problem, they want to learn something quickly, that is why your articles must be brief and to the point.
The quickest way to write article.
With all the tip websites, and online forums, there is no need to come with all the content off the top of your head.
However – never take another persons word or article, do not even copy a sentence, that is illegal
Learn for their content, find similar content, until you have a good understanding of the topic, then write the article in your own words based on what you have read and learned from all the articles that you have gathered from the Internet.
Where to find good Information.
If you want to write an article on “how to loose weight - for teenager’s”, search Google or any one of the major search engines for “weight loose forums” how to “diet” or something similar, have a look for forums and discussion boards for the same topic.
Now all you have to do is read the posts and the various responses and use this information to write your article.
If you find a great information product on clickbank, or any of the other affiliate programs that is the same as your article, you can promote that product at the same time. So now not only are you are writing a great article to promote your Squidoo Lens but you also are getting money from your article when people click on your affiliate click.
Another place to gather information is at the “Frequently Asked Questions” at and
Remember to keep your article short, to the point and with loads of helpful tips and good advice.
How to Write your article title.
Your title is one of the most important parts to your whole article, this is what gets peoples attention, whether they decide to read your article or to pass it by.
Your title must convey exactly what you are offering in your article, think of the following titles,
“help your teenage children with their weight” or “diet programs for teenagers”, these are kind of boring and do not really stand out.
“7 steps to an active & energetic teenager” – this title is much better.
After you have written your article and you want to improve on the title, submit your article to a few directories with various titles, wait for a week or longer and see which title get the most visitors. Now all you must do is, add some long-tailed keywords that you know people are searching for, and you will get a good steady stream of people visiting your Squidoo Lens.
If you want to learn more about how to write articles to promote your Squidoo lens, then get Article Writing Secrets, you will soon be churning out quality articles and getting a steady stream of traffic to your lens.
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Friday, 25 January 2008
Ways to Advertise your Home Based Business.
One of the biggest problems for new internet marketers is learning how to advertise their products, affiliate products, or websites without spending a small fortune in PPC ads.
Let’s take a look at some of these methods for lowering the amount of investment you need to make when marketing products or services.
Use a Keyword Campaign
Keyword-targeted campaigns are the most commonly used campaigns, so keywords are either your best friends or your worst enemies. Many sources of internet marketing “knowledge” seem to state that giant lists of general keywords are the best route for pulling traffic.
While this does pull lots of traffic, short, general keywords are more often than not the downfall of an otherwise good campaign. Lots of traffic equates into lots of per-click costs. General keywords, however, do not generally bring converting traffic.
Use long-tail keywords
Go for the long-tail keywords and the highly-targeted keywords.
Long tail keywords are keywords that consist of four or more words. Let’s say you’re selling a product to teach people to make money online. “Make money online”, “make money”, “earn money”, and similar search terms are some of the most awful keywords you could possibly use, as these are some of the most over-used and therefore over-priced keywords possible!
Use some keyword programs and sites to get some long-tail keywords however, and you may end up with a list with keywords such as “earn more money online today”, “make money as an internet marketer”, “how do I make more money online”, etc.
These terms are going to pull less traffic, but if you put together a good number of long-tails, you will still pull a substantial number of hits. The great part is that long-tail keywords are going to cost you substantially less than the general keywords, and therefore you get twice the traffic for half the price.
Use Specific-Targeted Keywords.
Highly-Targeted keywords are keywords such as “Buy product”, “Purchase product”, and “Order product”. These terms are very specific, and will bring in those searchers who are ready to purchase a product right now. This is some of the best traffic your site will see!
Site-Targeted Campaign
Site-Targeted campaigns in Google are an often overlooked but highly profitable way of running a campaign. Find the sites at the top of an organic search for your keywords, put them into your site-targeted campaign, and watch those sites’ traffic filter into yours for a fraction of the cost of PPC.
Article Marketing Campaign
Finally, one of the most effective marketing methods is also free!Article Marketing has proven to be one of the best ways to drive quality traffic to your site. The best part about article marketing, aside from being free, is that your articles can bring traffic for months or even years! This is a cumulative effort – the more articles you write and put out there, the more traffic will continue coming to your site. It’s brilliant, it’s easy, and it’s free.
You should now have a few new ideas about lowering your marketing costs and improving the quality of your traffic.If you want to learn more about how to market your Home Based Business then get Cheat-Marketing.
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Let’s take a look at some of these methods for lowering the amount of investment you need to make when marketing products or services.
Use a Keyword Campaign
Keyword-targeted campaigns are the most commonly used campaigns, so keywords are either your best friends or your worst enemies. Many sources of internet marketing “knowledge” seem to state that giant lists of general keywords are the best route for pulling traffic.
While this does pull lots of traffic, short, general keywords are more often than not the downfall of an otherwise good campaign. Lots of traffic equates into lots of per-click costs. General keywords, however, do not generally bring converting traffic.
Use long-tail keywords
Go for the long-tail keywords and the highly-targeted keywords.
Long tail keywords are keywords that consist of four or more words. Let’s say you’re selling a product to teach people to make money online. “Make money online”, “make money”, “earn money”, and similar search terms are some of the most awful keywords you could possibly use, as these are some of the most over-used and therefore over-priced keywords possible!
Use some keyword programs and sites to get some long-tail keywords however, and you may end up with a list with keywords such as “earn more money online today”, “make money as an internet marketer”, “how do I make more money online”, etc.
These terms are going to pull less traffic, but if you put together a good number of long-tails, you will still pull a substantial number of hits. The great part is that long-tail keywords are going to cost you substantially less than the general keywords, and therefore you get twice the traffic for half the price.
Use Specific-Targeted Keywords.
Highly-Targeted keywords are keywords such as “Buy product”, “Purchase product”, and “Order product”. These terms are very specific, and will bring in those searchers who are ready to purchase a product right now. This is some of the best traffic your site will see!
Site-Targeted Campaign
Site-Targeted campaigns in Google are an often overlooked but highly profitable way of running a campaign. Find the sites at the top of an organic search for your keywords, put them into your site-targeted campaign, and watch those sites’ traffic filter into yours for a fraction of the cost of PPC.
Article Marketing Campaign
Finally, one of the most effective marketing methods is also free!Article Marketing has proven to be one of the best ways to drive quality traffic to your site. The best part about article marketing, aside from being free, is that your articles can bring traffic for months or even years! This is a cumulative effort – the more articles you write and put out there, the more traffic will continue coming to your site. It’s brilliant, it’s easy, and it’s free.
You should now have a few new ideas about lowering your marketing costs and improving the quality of your traffic.If you want to learn more about how to market your Home Based Business then get Cheat-Marketing.
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Thursday, 24 January 2008
How to Add a banner ad to a Squidoo lens.
I know that once in the past Banner ads were all the “rave” and over the past few years they have seemed to die out, and where replaced by text links.
However with the start of web2.0 craze I think that banner ads are starting to make a come back, and a place where they could really dominate are on a Squidoo lens.
So how hard is it to add a banner ad to a lens, in fact it is very easy and once you start there you can add them to your blog post on your web site, all over the place. Once you know the HTML code and how it works, you will be churning out banner ads like a seasoned pro.
But keep in mind that your ads must be beneficial and not distract from your site, blog or lens, otherwise what was the point of adding it in the first place.
Placing a banner ad is a useful method to promote both your own products and affiliate products as well, because you can just have a clickable banner ad or a banner ad with some advertising on a normal text module
To place the banner ad takes only 4 simple steps,
Step 1. Add a text module to your lens.
You can use an existing text module and place the code at the top, or you can add a new text module to your lens.
Step 2. Paste this code into the text module.
Just copy the following code into your text module
(a href=”“)(img src=”“)
Step 3. Edit the the code.
The first bit is where you want the banner to take someone when they click it, and the second bit is the filename of the banner image itself.
( is the site where you want the person to go to, either to your site or an affiliate product etc.
( this is the location where the banner is located, either on your web site server, as a jpeg or gif file.
Now all that you have to do is make the image smaller by specifying the width and height, so the code will look like this,
(img src=”xxx://“ width “500” height”110” border “0”)(/a)
Step 4. Save the module.
You’re now done! You should now have a centred banner that links to your chosen page.
So not only will your new banner ad look great on your lens, but if you understand how the code works you can add this code to your blogs on your site. If you want to find out more about how to enhance your Squidoo lens, then think about becoming a Squidoo Guru. Banner ads have always been a powerful way to advertise – as they always say – “a picture is worth a thousand words”
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However with the start of web2.0 craze I think that banner ads are starting to make a come back, and a place where they could really dominate are on a Squidoo lens.
So how hard is it to add a banner ad to a lens, in fact it is very easy and once you start there you can add them to your blog post on your web site, all over the place. Once you know the HTML code and how it works, you will be churning out banner ads like a seasoned pro.
But keep in mind that your ads must be beneficial and not distract from your site, blog or lens, otherwise what was the point of adding it in the first place.
Placing a banner ad is a useful method to promote both your own products and affiliate products as well, because you can just have a clickable banner ad or a banner ad with some advertising on a normal text module
To place the banner ad takes only 4 simple steps,
Step 1. Add a text module to your lens.
You can use an existing text module and place the code at the top, or you can add a new text module to your lens.
Step 2. Paste this code into the text module.
Just copy the following code into your text module
(a href=”“)(img src=”“)
Step 3. Edit the the code.
The first bit is where you want the banner to take someone when they click it, and the second bit is the filename of the banner image itself.
( is the site where you want the person to go to, either to your site or an affiliate product etc.
( this is the location where the banner is located, either on your web site server, as a jpeg or gif file.
Now all that you have to do is make the image smaller by specifying the width and height, so the code will look like this,
(img src=”xxx://“ width “500” height”110” border “0”)(/a)
Step 4. Save the module.
You’re now done! You should now have a centred banner that links to your chosen page.
So not only will your new banner ad look great on your lens, but if you understand how the code works you can add this code to your blogs on your site. If you want to find out more about how to enhance your Squidoo lens, then think about becoming a Squidoo Guru. Banner ads have always been a powerful way to advertise – as they always say – “a picture is worth a thousand words”
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Wednesday, 23 January 2008
4 Steps to Add Daily content to a Squidoo Lens

The problem with having a Squidoo lens especially if you have more than one is having the time to continually add fresh content to the lens on a daily or weekly basis.
One way to overcome this problem, is to add a RSS module from your Blog (if you have one) or any other suitable RSS feed to your lens.
This way you will get fresh content automatically with out you doing anything, as soon as you update your Blog, because it will update your lens at the same time.
Do this in 4 easy steps - The Squidoo Guru Way
Step 1. Get the RSS Feed URL
First you need to get the RSS feed URL, either from your Blog or whichever RSS feed that you want to display, in my case, it was to my Blog, (
Locate the RSS Feed icon, when you press that it will take you to the RSS feed page and give you the correct URL which you will need to add to the lens
Step 2. Log on to Squidoo
Log on to your Squidoo account and go to your dashboard, while you are on your dashboard have a look at moving some of the modules around, especially if a new module looks more interesting. Remember the 10-second rule – you need to hold a visitor’s attention for those crucial 10 seconds.
Step 3. Add RSS Module
Go to the section with “re-order modules” and add the RSS module to your lens, if the RSS module is not displayed in any of the categories, you can just enter in the words and do a search, you will then be able to see it.
Once this has been ordered you can just drag and drop the module into the correct space on your Lens
Step 4. Name your RSS Module
The Module will now be ready to be edited with your own information.
Give your RSS a module a title, like your Blogs name etc
Give your module a subtitle (optional) you can add anything here, have a look what it looks like, you can always go back and edit it again.
Give your module a description (optional) again you can be creative, if you don’t like what you have entered, just delete it later on.
Now it is time to enter the RSS feed URL that you got in step 1.
There are a few other options that you can add, play around and see what suits you.
Now that only will you be able to make your lens more interesting, you will also be updating it automatically with fresh content from your Blog. If you want to discover other ways to improve your lens, then become a Squidoo Guru.
If your Blog posts are keyword rich your lens should also get a good boost in SEO ranking, and by adding a Clickbank RSS feed you can promote some excellent Clickbank products on you lens at the same time.
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Monday, 21 January 2008
Affiliate Marketing - Alternatives to Clickbank

Entering the affiliate marketing game can be a ruthless and frustrating exercise in futility these days.
There are gobs of people attempting to make it big online as affiliate marketers, and those numbers definitely play against you when it comes to PPC and organic search engine optimization. Let’s look at a 3 things you can do to shift the odds in your favor.
Write Articles,
Learn to write articles. Article marketing is free and will bring you quality, targeted traffic for months and months. It takes awhile to learn to use PPC and profit, so allow yourself to dabble in PPC while focusing in article marketing for the time being. You will find plenty of prospective buyers without spending a penny in advertising.
Other Affiliate Alternatives,
The most popular Clickbank products, the ones that really sell, will cost you a fortune in PPC campaigns. It is surprising that so many beginning affiliates do not realize how unnecessary Clickbank is. The only real benefit to Clickbank is convenience, in that you can search products all in one place, you get paid from one source, and you only need one account to do so. The benefits of using other sources, in my experience, have far outweighed those conveniences.
New Affiliate Programs.
Did you know that most sites offer their own affiliate programs? Do a search for a general topic that you want to find products for. Find several of the top organic search results pages that actually offer a product for sale.
Now scroll to the bottom of those pages (in most cases). On many of these sites, you will find a link for “Affiliates”, “Join Affiliate Program”, “Partners” or “Become a Partner”. There are other variations, but it should be obvious that you are seeing an affiliate program.
Many direct affiliate programs offer more options and better commissions than Clickbank programs, and you have the added benefit of competing against much smaller numbers. Try to pick programs that don’t also have a program with Clickbank, or you wind up in the same position as before.
By going straight to the product vendors and becoming affiliated with them, you put yourself in the unique position of being one of the very small percentage of online affiliates who are working with individual companies, which gives you a great competitive edge. It’s amazing to see a campaign that costs almost nothing yield great results, when having been accustomed to watching expensive campaigns hemorrhage your money.
Cutting yourself away from the masses of Clickbank affiliates is one of the best advantages you can give yourself.
Good luck in your affiliate marketing, and may you prosper!
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Friday, 18 January 2008
5 FREE ways to promote your Squidoo Lens

So now you taken the plunge and created your own lens, you have loads of quality products added on your lens.
But where are your customers? Somehow your Squidoo Lens just does not seem to attract traffic?
Implement these 5 Free ways to drive unlimited traffic to your Squidoo lens.
1 - Search Engine Optimization
2 - Writing Articles.
3 - Social Bookmarking.
4 - Posting in Forums
5 - Link Building.
None of these steps are hard or complicated, but they are crucial for your home based business lens’s success if you want to make money online.
1 - Key Word Optimization.
Think of your Squidoo Lens as your store front, if it does not look interesting then visitors will just click out., you need to find a way to hold their attention.
Write quality unique content in your niche and sprinkle your keywords all around your home based business lens.
Now that your lens is interesting and people are looking for your Keywords that are on your lens, it is time to go to the next step - Advertising
2 -Article Marketing.
You need to establish your self as an expert, somebody who knows what they are talking about, this is done by Article writing. Write articles on the topics relating to your niche.
Then submit these articles to the 3 best directories, Ezine Articles, Goarticles and Article Dashboard
This will not only generate an instant rush of targeted visitors to your Squidoo lens and hundreds of inbound links but will also establish you as an expert in your niche.
By writing and submitting articles, your lens will also receive high search engine ranking increasing more traffic to your home based business lens.
Now that you are writing articles, it is time to join some clubs and share your experience,
3 - Social Bookmarking.
If you want to increase your lens’s presence, it is crucial that you visit social Bookmarking sites.
These Social sites can really boost up your Squidoo lens’s traffic.
Here are the 4 best Social Media websites which are capable of sending high traffic to your lens.
1. Digg
3. Reddit
4. StumbleUpon
All you need to do is write quality articles in your niche that readers will love to share.
Now that you have your name and lens spread around the “Web” it is time to join some specific clubs where people in your niche are hanging around,
4 - Forums.
The best part about forums is that not only are you posting in links back to your own home based internet business lens , but you can get loads of helpful advice as well. In these forums you can post answers to questions of members in the forums.
The reason that forum posting is good is that forum members get to visit your Squidoo lens for more information through the ad that you are allowed to paste below your post.
Now the last step is to get thousands of little sign posts all pointing to your lens
5 - Link paving.
This is not hard, because if you joined the forums and the Social Bookmarking sites, you will already have hundreds of potential places that you can place comments, other people’s blogs, websites etc. Just think if you have hundreds and thousands of incoming links to your lens, you are opening up tons of ways through which traffic can enter your lens.
As you can see, marketing and promoting your Squidoo lens is not hard or complicated, but it does take hard work and perseverance. Implement these 5 FREE ways today and you will be astounded at the traffic you receive.
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Wednesday, 16 January 2008
5 Steps to promote your Home Based Internet Business

Do these 5 Steps, to promote your Home based Internet Business.
So now you taken the plunge and started your own Home based Internet Business, your website has been designed and you have loads of quality products.
But where are your customers? Somehow your website just does not seem to attract traffic?
Implement these 5 amazingly simple ways to drive unlimited traffic to your home based Internet business webite.
Step 1 - Search Engine Optimization
Step 2 - Writing Articles.
Step 3 - Social Bookmarking.
Step 4 - Posting in Forums
Step 5 - Link Building.
None of these steps are hard or complicated, but they are crucial for your website’s success if you want to make money online.
Step 1 - Search Engine Optimization.
Think of your home based Internet business website as your store front, if it does not look interesting then visitors will just click out., you need to find a way to hold their attention.
You need to do write quality unique content in your niche and sprinkle your keywords all around your site.
Now that your website is interesting and people are looking for your Keywords that are on your site, it is time to go to the next step - Advertising
Step 2 - Writing Articles.
You need to establish your self as an expert, somebody who knows what they are talking about, this is done by Article writing. Write articles on the topics relating to your niche.
Then submit these articles to the 3 best directories, Ezine Articles, Goarticles and Article Dashboard
This will not only generate an instant rush of targeted website traffic and hundreds of inbound links but will also establish you as an expert in your niche.
Now that you are writing articles, it is time to join some clubs and share your experience,
Step 3 - Social Bookmarking.
The hottest thing to come out of the Web 2.0 phenomenon is Social Bookmarking, and If you want to increase your web presence, it is crucial that you visit social Bookmarking sites.
These Social sites can really boost up your website traffic.
Here are couple of PR 8 Social Media websites which are capable of sending high traffic to your site.
1. Digg
2. Technorati
4. Reddit
5. StumbleUpon
Now that you have your name and website spread around the “Web” it is time to join some specific clubs where people in your niche are hanging around,
Step 4 - Posting in Forums.
The best part about forums is that not only are you posting in links back to your own home based internet business site , but you can get loads of helpful advice as well. In these forums you can post answers to questions of members in the forums.
When you do this, forum members trust you and respect you as an expert in your niche.
Now the last step is to get thousands of little sign posts all pointing to your site
Step 5 - Link Building.
This is not hard, because if you joined the forums and the Social Bookmarking sites, you will already have hundreds of potential places that you can place comments, other people’s blogs, websites etc. Just think if you have hundreds and thousands of incoming links to your site, you are opening up tons of ways through which traffic can enter your site.
For this to really succeed you need to set-up a reciprocal linking campaign where you can exchange links with quality sites in your niche and thus share traffic with each other.
As you can see, marketing and promoting your site is not hard or complicated, but it does take hard work and perseverance, If you would like to know more about how to promote your site and get more traffic then use Cheat-Marketing, and implement these 5 steps today and within 30 x days you will be astounded.
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Monday, 14 January 2008
How to use Squidoo to Market your Home Business.

Have you ever thought of starting your Internet home based business to make money online?
Typically, most people who decide to start a Internet business start with affiliate marketing first. Unfortunately those that get involved in affiliate marketing never make more than about $100.
Considering the enormous market to tap, why do so many people who attempt affiliate marketing fail so badly?
The first mistake that most people make when thinking about starting affiliate marketing is to buy loads of ebooks, and "guides", and jump from one program to another. They do this until the point of being in such a state of confusion that they have no idea of where to start and what to do.
The biggest problem is marketing and finding a cheap way to market their affiliate product as cheaply as possible.
One of the best and free ways to learn to market a product is to start your Squidoo lens.
The hottest site to come out of the Web 2.0 phenomenon is Squidoo. If you are not building sites to Squidoo, you are missing one of the quickest and easiest ways to market a product and get free traffic for your website to make money online.
What is Squidoo.
If you have heard the term, but are unsure of what Squidoo is then this is the best definition of Squidoo;
Squidoo is a cross between a blog, a mini site, and a My Space page. Squidoo calls the sites "lenses" and the people who produce the sites are called "lensmasters."
Squidoo lenses are made up of "modules". Squidoo has dozens of modules to choose from. There are modules for making lists. There are modules for You Tube videos. With a little knowledge of the module system, you can have your lens built in no time.
Squidoo is very lenient about allowing you to use third party advertising on your lens. You can promote your own website if you wish or promote your favourite affiliate product.
You can make money with Your Squidoo Lens.
Squidoo also offers you a chance to make money online from your lens. Squidoo makes its money from affiliate advertising with Google AdSense, Amazon, ebay and several other sites.
The Amazon module is also very easy to use for people that are new at Squidoo. For the case of Amazon products, you simply enter the ISBN number of the Amazon product and Squidoo will pull it directly off the Amazon website, complete with the photo and the price.
Another great Squidoo module is the ebay module. With the ebay module, you can select products by keyword or by seller. If you sell a lot of products yourself on ebay, this is a great way to get free traffic to your auctions.
You can even add a Clickbank RSS feed to your lens, which will display products that are relevant to your lens, and if visitors purchase any products, the commission goes straight into your Clickbank account.
Getting more traffic to your lens
One of the best ways to use Squidoo to build traffic to your website or blog is by using the RSS feed module. You simply load the RSS feed from your website/blog and the Squidoo lens will update automatically as you update your website/ blog.
Squidoo lenses often rank very high on Google, so it's a great chance to build some backlinks to your primary company website and hence increases your website exposure in the Internet to make money online.
So if you are looking for a great way to market your product, get free traffic and make some money on the side then Why don’t you consider becoming a Squidoo Guru, it is not hard and you will be amazed at the results
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Tuesday, 8 January 2008
How to Use Squidoo to Promote Your Website

Use Squidoo to promote your Website
The hottest site to come out of the Web 2.0 phenomenon is Squidoo. If you are not linking your sites to Squidoo, you are missing one of the quickest and easiest ways to build free traffic to promote your Website or blog .
Squidoo has emerged over the last year few years as one of the best systems to drive free traffic to your online business.
The first thing you need to consider before building your Squidoo lens is how you are going to drive traffic to it once its built. There have been many Squidoo lens which have attained top Google rankings by following a few simple rules.
One of the various effective ways to generate traffic to a Squidoo lens is through search engine optimisation. Getting a Squidoo lens to the top of a search term in Google is easier than most other cases.
Follow these 8 simple steps to get FREE traffic flowing to your site
Step 1 – Visit the more Popular Lenses
Firstly have a look at what the most popular lenses look like, can you offer something better or enhance 1 of the top lenses, what topics are hot, do they fall in the same category as your idea.
Step 2 – Get a keyword rich name
The next thing you'll want to consider is the name of your Squidoo lens. Include the keyword/s you are targeting for a number one spot (or at the very least a spot on the first page) in your Squidoo lens name.
Step 3 - Good content
Go back and have a look at all the articles that you have written, including blog posts and compile all relevant articles you have written or posts you have made on forums into a text file. This content can be used in your Squidoo lens and you don't even need to type a single word of new content!
Step 4 - Multi-media & Graphics
Go back to your research again, have a look at the top lenses, are there graphics, what type, do they enhance or distract.
Step 5 - Publish your Lense
Have a look at your lens, is it ready to be published ? Get a friend to give an honest opinion, or use people in forums to give an honest viewpoint, then post your content on your Squidoo lens.
Step 6 - Build your list
Add an opt-in form with your Squidoo lens. This way, not only will you be sending traffic to your web site, you can also build your subscriber list at the same time.
Step 7 - Market your lens
The next thing you'll want to act on is creating links back to your site. These links are also called back-links. You'll want to create links which contain an anchor text (your keyword/s) so that the search engine spiders instantly recognise them.
Step 8 – send free traffic
Now not only will you be sending free traffic to your site , you will also start driving traffic to your lens from simple tactics like social networking on sites like MySpace and social bookmarking.
One of the best ways to use Squidoo to build traffic to your primary blog is by using the RSS feed module. You simply load the RSS feed from your blog and the Squidoo lens will update automatically as you update your blog.
Squidoo lenses often rank very high on Google, so it's a great chance to build some backlinks to your primary website in this way as your lens becomes more popular so will your website and hence increases your website exposure in the internet to make money online.
If you want to learn more about How to Use Squidoo to promote your Website then get a copy of Squidoo Guru today.
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