Now days it can take you a few minutes to start your own internet business, with Social networking sites like Hubpages,
Hubpages is a website that allows you to publish your content on their site free of charge. You simply sign up for an account, write your thoughts and publish them! You even get your own URL which is based at This means that you do not even have to own your own website in order to publish your thoughts and ideas.
So if you wanted to have your own Internet Home Based Business website, that can start earning money for you right away, then "Hubpages" may be the answer you've been looking for.
The advantage of Hubpages
the unique structure that HubPages uses affords all technically challenged people a luxury that is rarely seen on the internet - the ability to create web pages with considerable ease. Each page that is created is known as a "Hub" and these pages become part of a structure of Hubs that are linked together with a common theme or niche.
It is an excellent platform to use to publish your content because Hubpages is favoured by Google at the moment which means that your pages have a good chance of being ranked well in the search engine results pages, so you can get plenty of traffic. On average a Hub will be indexed by Google within 36 hours which is pretty fast!
How to Make money on your Hub.
Hubpages allow you to earn money with easy drag and drop modules to add Ebay, Amazon and even Google AdSense to your Hub.
In particular the Ebay and Amazon capsules work very well because you can link to specific types of items which relate to you Hubpage. Therefore there is more chance of the visitor looking at and potentially buying the product that you are advertising. If they do then you get paid a percentage of the sale.
If you wish to take this a step further you can find hot selling products on Amazon, then write an article about them at your Hubpage. Then you simply type in the ASIN or ISBN number of that product and you will link directly to it!
So the result will be an article about a product and then links to that product next to it. Even something simple like writing about the books that you have recently read, DVDs you've watched or music CDs you've listened to, can be effective ways of earning money
What else can you use your Hub for.
- A hub, or hubs, can point to a web site where a product or service is being sold.
- A hub can link to an affiliate site that you own and, once again, it costs nothing to produce.
- Additional hubs can lead visitors to your Google Adsense site(s), an Amazon affiliate link, or a sign-up page for future email campaigns.
- Use the Hubpage as mini test site.
If you want to start your own Internet Home Based Business then, Hubpages is definitely worth checking out, and best of all it doesn't cost you anything.
When you get good at making your Hubpages, you can do this whole process in an hour or two. In a week you can have twenty or so test sites running. If you want to learn more about starting your own Hubpage, click on the Icon below,