Wednesday, 9 April 2008

How to use Hubpages to promote your website


Hubs are essentially articles on virtually anything. Users can write articles about anything they are knowledgeable about, have an interest in or perhaps even want to promote, such as businesses, websites or links to other content sites.

Hubs are broken down into smaller sections called capsules. Capsules can be filled with text, a photo, links, RSS feeds or even money-making options, which will be discussed below.

Visitors to the site can search for hubs on a specific topic, of they can visit the main page to see what is hot, what is new and what is the best rated. From the "Topics" tab, users can browse through popular categories and subcategories.

Promote your website by creating your HunPage in 4 simple steps,

Creating your First Hub takes just 4 simple steps,

1. Create: You’ll need to create an account.
2. Name: Pick a title for your Hub, url sub category title and add tags that describe your Hub.
3. Add: Create the content capsules of your choice and fill them with whatever you’d like.
4. Publish.

Advantages of using Hubpages to promote your website.

  • You can place direct links to your blog or webpages to drive traffic
  • Increase your chances of improving your Pagerank indirect.
  • Promote on your products, affiliate products or even your own website.
  • Potential to improve your website’s search engine ranking positions.
  • It is free to join.
  • Track your daily visitors and where they are from, then you can apply for Google Analytics, have your unique ID to be activated.

Earn Money on Your HubPages

Earn money from your Hubpage by having a Google AdSense account or by been members of's and Ebay's affiliate programs, capsules are available to offer ads and items geared to the hub topic. If ads are clicked on or items are purchased, hubbers can earn a percentage. Additionally, HubPages has an affiliate program. So, if Hubbers sign up a new member, they can also earn off those clicks.


Join HubPages, where you can write about a topic you love — for free! Includes potential to earn royalties and commissions, take the HubPages Tour: Referrals earn rewards



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